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10 Spanish words to make your everyday life easier

10 Spanish words to make your everyday life easier

If there are 10 words you should know in Spanish, which ones would that be? It sure isn’t an easy task to reduce an everyday vocabulary of a few thousand words to only 10. And in fact, it can never be done. Meet and greet, ask for the time, have a drink and a fiesta… and maybe a kiss. By far the most important things in life 😉  Here I give you my 10 Spanish words, feel free to add yours in comments..

10 Spanish words for everyday use
Hola Hello
Fiesta Party, festival, celebration
Ahora Now, at the moment
Beso Kiss
Lo siento I’m sorry
Gracias Thank you
Tiempo Time, weather, period
Año Year, grade
Por favor Please
Bebida Drink

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